Your support is essential in our efforts to make a real difference. We are grateful for any type of contribution you can make at any time of the year. There are many ways you can assist Resurrection Catholic Missions of the South, Inc., a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, in helping those in need of our services. Our tax ID number is 63-0422019.

GENERAL DONATION – Your one-time donation to support our educational, social service, or advocacy efforts could mean a world of difference to those who benefit from our ministries. To make a donation and support the programs of Resurrection Catholic Missions of the South, Inc., click here.

RESURRECTION CATHOLIC SCHOOL (RCS) Your donation supports the students at Resurrection Catholic School, ensuring that they receive the quality education that they deserve.  To make a donation to RCS, click here.

SEASONAL APPEAL – If you desire to contribute on a regular basis, our development office solicits direct mail donations through a Lenten, Easter, Mother’s Day/Father’s Day, Summer, Rosary, All Souls, and Christmas appeal. Please provide your email address or mailing address to our administrative office for more information.

ANNUAL GIVING – Making a yearly gift to Resurrection Catholic Missions is a way of ensuring the continuation of our good work.

A GIFT IN HONOR OR MEMORY – A special way to give, while providing a fitting tribute to a friend or loved one on a special occasion or remembering a dearly departed loved one. A card is also sent to the individual designated by the donor for the occasion you have specified.

  • FRED J. BRIERS, JR. MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND – In honor of his legacy as a lifelong educator, the Fred J. Briers, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund offers Resurrection Catholic School students the opportunity to gain the quality education they deserve. Click here to make a donation.

BEQUEST – When you write or review your will, please consider leaving a charitable bequest to Resurrection Catholic Missions of the South, Inc. We will be happy to send you a pamphlet titled “Eleven Things To Remember.”

For additional information regarding our giving programs and ways you can help, please email or write Resurrection Catholic Missions of the South, Inc. at 2815 Forbes Drive Montgomery, AL 36110. All contributions are fully tax deductible as permitted by law.

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