Our elderly outreach initiative offers advocacy and direct aid services to keep indigent elders in their own homes. Resurrection’s Interfaith Community Outreach (ICO) serves more than 100 clients annually. The program assists North Montgomery’s poor, elderly, and homeless by visiting, delivering medications and groceries, providing transportation to doctors appointments and church services, and assisting them with vital government forms.

Mrs. Salena Moore, BSW, a licensed social worker and assisted living administrator, leads this program and is assisted by Mrs. Dorothy Barlow and a cadre of volunteers. The average age for an outreach client is mid 70’s to late 80’s.

The demographics of our clients are as follows:

  • 100% are considered low income
  • 60% have a monthly income of under $500.00
  • 60% live alone
  • 60% have hypertension
  • 60% are arthritis sufferers
  • 60% are diabetics
  • Suffer from other conditions including gout, cancer, blindness, and nerve disorders

Our food pantry, which includes items USDA-approved items, is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. For more information, call 334-230-1961. 


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