Resurrection Catholic Missions provides programs to help the poor, the elderly, the most profoundly disabled child, school children of Montgomery and surrounding communities, as well as children of the area who are considered at-risk.

Resurrection Catholic School

Our school offers a quality spiritual and academic program for children from pre-K through eighth grade. We believe that each child, regardless of family financial circumstances, deserves to have an excellent education. The school also offers a wide range of extracurricular programs and is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.

Interfaith Elderly Outreach

This outreach program is directed toward helping the elderly remain in their own homes as long as possible. Low-income seniors receive help through home visits, the delivery of medications and groceries, transportation to doctors’ appointments and church, and referrals to other programs that provide assistance to the elderly. RCM also provides forty-two Meals on Wheels each day for the elderly of the area.


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