Resurrection, St. Jude, & St. John The Baptist To Host 3rd Annual National Black Catholic History Month Celebration
This Saturday, three of Montgomery’s Catholic churches will come together in fellowship to host a celebration of black Catholic history, worship, and culture. On November 3rd, Resurrection, St. Jude,... Continue Reading

Father Manuel Receives Appreciation Award from National Catholic Development Conference
Last month, during the 50th annual National Catholic Development Conference’s (NCDC) Conference and Exposition in Chicago, Illinois, Resurrection Catholic Missions’ Director Father Manuel Williams, C.R. received a very special... Continue Reading

RCS PTO Hosts Flash Fundraiser Rib Sale
Resurrection Catholic School’s Parent Teacher Organization is hosting a flash fundraiser…and if you blink, you just might miss it! For just a little over 24 hours, the RCS PTO... Continue Reading