
A Year Without Easter

Just in the last day or so has word reached me that our Archdiocese of Mobile like many dioceses around the country have mandated no public Triduum (Holy Week) services.  Since my days as an altar server here at Resurrection and even more strongly as a collegian singing in the University of Notre Dame Chapel Choir Holy Week has been so central to my faith.  I literally have to struggle in coming to accept for the health and life of God’s people in this year of Grace and pandemic I will not be leading those powerful services.  The Easter mystery is so central to our faith and even more treasured as I have lived as a religious and priest of the Congregation of the Resurrection for 33 years!

Despite my disappointment I am consoled because these trying days have given all of us the space and time to reflect on so many blessings we take for granted.  Like the early Christians eagerly anticipating Jesus’ imminent return I look forward to gathering as a community around the table of God’s word and the Lord’s body and blood.  In the words of an old hymn, “What a day of rejoicing that will be! We see even more clearly now, every Sunday is a “little Easter”.

In the interim we at Resurrection Catholic Missions continue to use technology to celebrate the liturgy as best we can.  We continue to feed several hundred area schoolchildren three meals a day…. lest they go hungry.  We continue to instruct our students remotely.  We continue to meet basic necessities for all who come to us in need.  We continue to pray for you and your loved ones and we continue to need your prayers and your help.

Pope Francis reminded us in his magnificent meditation recently that this storm will pass.  Just as the disciples in that boat on the Sea of Galilee in the midst of their storm realized the Lord Jesus was there, in the midst of this storm He is with us too.

Visit this site often and thanks for all you do for Resurrection!

In the Risen One,



Father Manuel Williams, C.R.

Mission Director and Pastor

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