Dear Friend of Resurrection:

What a gift!

I recently was told by another minister that he preached a sermon where he grabbed the congregation’s attention by asserting. “GIVING CAN REALLY BE ONE OF THE MOST SELFISH THINGS WE EVER DO!” Of course, the congregation was taken aback by that statement and my colleague said it showed on their faces and in their body language. So, he quickly went on to explain what he meant.  He told the people that when we give generously and freely to those who are in need the feeling of joy that can accompany such acts is so powerful and fulfilling, we want to do it over and over again. It literally can make us selfish; it makes us give to not only help but also to experience that feeling.

Throughout this year of 2024, with your help, we have met the needs of thousands of people. We have educated children and young adults, we have hosted collegiate and adult pilgrims from Catholic colleges and other charitable entities, we have provided thousands of pounds of good, nourishing food to hungry families in our partnership with a local food bank, we have attended to hundreds of seniors who need visits, prayers and a little tender loving care, we have preached the gospel and celebrated the sacraments, all supported by your prayers and your gifts!

I surely hope your sustaining us indeed makes you feel good. And so, as we approach the feast of Christmas, we will continue to do our work, and we need your help once again. May we count on you? I thank you for all you have already done and in advance for all that you might do.

May God’s gift of an Infant Savior, help bring healing and some measure of joy and peace to our country, world and church this Christmas 2024!


Father Manuel Williams, C.R.

Mission Director

Please make a gift to Resurrection Catholic Missions today!

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