
In all circumstances give thanks, for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus. (1 Thessalonians 5:18)

Resurrection Catholic Missions is so grateful to the Junior Daughters of Court 148 (St. Jude Catholic Church) and Court 345. Between both courts the Junior Daughters donated more than 1300 nonperishable food items to the Resurrection Food Pantry. This goes a long way to helping needy families, especially for the holidays. As well as canned goods, rice, beans, pasta, sugar and treats, included in the donation were some delicious fresh sweet potatoes! In addition to the food donation, the Junior Daughters of Court 345 presented a monetary contribution in the amount of $1,762 to pastor, Fr. Manuel Williams, C.R. You, too, can help support the food pantry and other programs at Resurrection Catholic Missions with your Thanksgiving donation at http://weblink.donorperfect.com/RCMThanksgiving2024Happy Thanksgiving!

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