On August 1, 2021, we gathered for the first time in more than a year and a half to celebrate the Sunday liturgy as a community of faith in person. As we continue to navigate the Covid-19 pandemic and the variants, please observe the following protocols:

Masks or other suitable face covering must be worn throughout the service.

If you feel sick, please do not enter the sanctuary.   

Please maintain social distancing unless seated with members of your own family or household. 

Each person receives their own personal missalette to keep for use throughout the remainder of the year.   Missalettes will not be collected at the end of Mass. 

Offertory baskets will not be passed person to person.  A collection basket will be placed by the entrance for your offertory.  

At the Sign of Peace no physical contact is allowed (no hugs, handshakes, etc.)   

Communicants must keep social distancing when in the Communion line.

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