Posted April 8, 2021 – The Baptist Health Community Vaccine Clinic is now open at 3989 Eastern Blvd (next door to Roses Department Store). There is no cost and no insurance charge. Everyone 16+ is eligible to receive the Pfizer vaccine. Pregnant and nursing mothers should check with their doctor. Appointments are available at Baptistvaccineclinic.org or at baptistfirst.org. Walk-ins are welcome 9am-2pm, M-F. Photo ID required.
Baptist Health Community Vaccine Clinic Volunteer Signup (April)
Baptist Health will be opening a community vaccine clinic for 90 days. The location of the clinic will be 3989 Eastern Boulevard, Montgomery, AL 36116 in a former Old Navy retail store. Starting April 5, this clinic will be open Monday through Friday from 8 am until 3 pm. We are so excited to be able to offer vaccines to our community. This is an appointment only clinic. We will need your help to continue vaccinating our community. We are happy to say that all of our clinical positions such as inoculators and mixers will be filled with Baptist Health team members, but we still need several non-clinical volunteers. If you are able to volunteer, please sign up. There are (2) four hour shifts available, 7:30-11:30am and 11:30-3:30pm. All volunteers will need to arrive 20 minutes prior to your shift time. There are several different volunteer roles. Please read the detailed description to figure out which volunteer position is better suited for you. After you have signed up, you will receive an automatic email from this link. On April 1, you will receive an email from the volunteer lead which will include more volunteer details. If you are interested in receiving your vaccination, you MUST be eligible and you will need to let us know that you would like to be vaccinated at the beginning of your shift. You will not be able to receive the vaccine until the end of your shift. Beginning April 1, you will be able to find more information concerning the vaccine clinic at www.baptistfirst.org. Thank you in advance for helping serve our community.
Montgomery Clinic Volunteer Link: volunteersignup.org/LJYAM
ADPH is seeing assistance from faith-based organizations in the state to help with the upcoming mobile vaccination clinics. They are requesting your support to:
Help get the word out. There will be COVID-19 Vaccination clinics in 24 counties in Central and South Alabama. Visit this website https://www.alabamapublichealth.gov/covid…/ng-clinics.html for location information and other details along with printable flyers.
Help with transportation efforts. Many citizens want to get vaccinated but are having trouble getting to the sites and need transportation. ADPH is requesting your assistance with transportation efforts in your area.
Volunteer at vaccination clinic with registration. Please email Betty.file@adph.al.state.us or Mattie.ford@adph.state.al.us with your name, the county you would like to help and your contact information. They will send you an application to complete with important information about the clinic.
COVID-19 Funeral Assistance
Under the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2021 and the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, FEMA will provide financial assistance for COVID-19-related funeral expenses incurred after January 20, 2020. For more information, click on the link: https://www.fema.gov/…/coro…/economic/funeral-assistance