The following protocols will be observed during the Triduum and Easter liturgies:
- No one is to attend Mass if they feel sick.
- Social spacing in churches is required. Only every other pew may be used.
- Seating will be assigned for the Easter Service.
- Congregants will be escorted to their seats by the Ministers of Hospitality.
- Pew cushions will not be available. If you need a cushion for comfort, please plan to bring your own.
- The use of pews must respect social distancing. Care must be exercised that only the proper number of people attend Mass so that social distancing may be maintained. This means that no one is to sit within 6 feet of one another unless living in the same household.
- Each person will receive their own personal missalette that they can take home and keep for use throughout the year. Missalettes will not be collected at the end of Mass.
- Liturgical ministers must also observe social distancing.
- Offertory baskets will not be passed person to person. A collection basket will be placed by the entrance for your offertory.
- The Sign of Peace will be retained but no physical contact is allowed (no hugs, handshakes, etc.)
- Communicants are to keep social distancing when in the Communion line.
- Communion will not be distributed from the chalice.
- Although people may wear masks and gloves to Mass, Communion may not be distributed or received with gloves.
- People must maintain social distancing when departing the church

Reservations are required for the Easter Sunday celebration. Click here to reserve Cry Room or Balcony seats. All seats in the main sanctuary are reserved (updated 3/24/21).

Please arrive early to ensure that you can be seated before the beginning of the service. Reminder: there will be no Easter Parade/Children’s Program and no Easter Egg Hunt this year.