Traditionally, the parishioners at Resurrection Catholic Church have participated in an annual Angel Tree project, purchasing gifts for the seniors in our Interfaith Community Outreach program. The gifts have then been delivered by the director of the ICO program and her cadre of volunteers.

This year, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the traditional Angel Tree project is being modified so that gifts do not need to be delivered. Instead, we are asking those interested in being an angel to the seniors in the ICO program to purchase a gift card (or a gift) and mail it directly to the seniors. If you would like to participate in this year’s Angel Tree project, please contact Salena Moore at (334) 230-1961, email or Michelle Coe at (334) 230-1964, email to receive the name and address of one of our seniors.

To make gift giving easier, you can click here to make a donation towards the Angel Tree project. A gift card will be purchased in your name and given to one of the seniors.

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