Congratulations to Mr. Farley Rudolph who will receive the Archdiocese of Mobile’s 2020 Christ the King medal. The medal will be presented at a special Mass on Sunday, November 22, 2020 at Corpus Christi Parish in Mobile, AL. The Christ the King Medal is awarded to a parishioner who publicly witnesses to their faith by their outstanding service. Resurrection has many parishioners worthy of this prestigious award but no one is more deserving than Mr. Rudolph. He is an active member of the United Voices of Resurrection and Easter is not the same when he is not there to proclaim the “Exultet”. He has worked with the youth group for decades and many of our young adults still seek “Paw Paw” out for guidance and direction. He served for many years as a Eucharistic Minister and occasional lector. He is a wonderful example of a Catholic Christian not only to our youth but also to his peers. We are delighted that Mr. Rudolph will represent our parish this year.

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