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Fr. Manuel Williams, C.R., Mission Director writes, “When you read the gospels it is clear food was an essential part of Jesus’ ministry; from the wedding banquet at Cana to dinner at Simon’s house where the woman anointed His feet with oil and her tears to the feeding of the multitude with five loaves and two fish to the Last Supper, the Lord taught and loved and healed around table fellowship.

The CNP Summer Feeding Program officially ended on Monday, August 31, 2020. On Friday, September 4 an appreciation lunch was held for those who fed up to 280 children EVERY day five days a week since mid-March.

The CNP Director, Twila Webster did a magnificent job of managing the program, ensuring that enough food was ordered and that menus were prepared so that the students received healthy, nutritious meals. It took a small, well-coordinated team to cook, bag, cut food safety labels, label and deliver the meals. It truly was a herculean task that could not have been done without their hard work and dedication. Staff and volunteers recognized with small tokens of appreciation were: Margarita Altaminrano, Aubrey Barnes, Patrick Barnes, Sr. Gilda Bell, John Carpenter, Delores Coe, Keith Golson, Bobbetta Jones, Earlene Kemp, Marivel Martinez, Jewell Pitts, Wanda Twitty, Carlton Robinson, and Clif Weatherly.

Also recognized at the luncheon were those who distributed USDA fresh produce and milk every Thursday during July and August. They are: Evelyn Harris, Bobbetta Jones, Bernard Ross and Barbara Stevens.

During Resurrection’s “Summer of Feeding” 30,288 meals were served to children in our community!

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