Click on this photo to order a cart.

Recently, in partnership with the Montgomery Area Food Bank, staff and volunteers at Resurrection Catholic Missions packed up and delivered food packages to 20 of the seniors served by the Missions’ Interfaith Community Outreach program.  The packages included chicken breasts, chicken patties, pork patties, ham, rice, macaroni, eggs, porterhouse rolls, green beans, corn, spaghetti sauce, soup, and more.  The seniors were delighted to receive this bounty.  However, we realized that, in these days of necessary social distancing, a better delivery method needed to be devised, and quickly!

The solution is to provide the seniors with folding carts that can be placed outside their home or apartment complex.  The food can then be safely placed inside the cart and the senior can take it home easily.  A “Wish List” has been created on Amazon Smile where you can order a cart that will be delivered directly to Resurrection Catholic Missions.  Please remember to use the gift option when placing the order.  If you wish, please put your name and address on the gift enclosure so that your donation can be recognized.

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