April 3, 2020 “Heal Our Land Lord!”

Yesterday, the priests serving in the Archdiocese of Mobile participated in a video conference on dealing with the issues raised by the Covid-19 virus and  its interruption of normal life for all of us. The first part of the discussion dealt with finances and ways and opportunities to maintain our vital ministries as normal revenue from tithes and offerings and other resources are impacted by not gathering daily and weekly as communities. The second part of the discussion and the one that is just as critical, if not more, dealt with how do we celebrate the solemn and glorious liturgies of  Holy Week. To my mind it was obvious in the faces and voices of my brother priests how painful this crisis has been and continues to be for us and most importantly for the people we serve and pastor. That absence of community will be particularly felt during this Passion (Palm) Sunday and the rest of  the Triduum.

Many parishes here and around the country are celebrating and will continue to do digital Holy Week services which are broadcast on all the social media platforms. We here at Resurrection Catholic Missions/Church  will continue to do so and these liturgies will be available on this website and our Missions’ Facebook page and You Tube.  All of these services are done in accord with the archdiocesan guidelines which are compliant with what the medical and public health officials are directing regarding social distancing and number of ministers performing these beautiful  liturgies. We also have available a series of rituals  called “Holy Week at Home” prepared by the Liturgical Press of Collegeville, Minnesota.  Hard copies are available in the Administration Center or the Church vestibule.

To that end we have been directed, sadly, not to  have any public distribution of palms for Palm Sunday. We will refrigerate and save as many palms as we can for later distribution for those who relish these branches. I would also like to remind everyone that we are encouraged to have the Church open for private prayer, with appropriate social distancing and ten or less people in the sanctuary. As we are blessed with a large and beautiful Church, this should be easily accomplished. Resurrection Church will be accessible from noon until 5:00 pm each day for those wanting to pray in this sacred space, which so many miss being in each week.

It was also suggested that for those members of our community who were to be baptized and or confirmed and received into full communion at the Easter Vigil that we might do that on Pentecost Sunday, May 31, 2020, if the crisis has allowed us to return to normal gatherings by then.

I know this has been a difficult time for all of us but it has also been a time of grace. I am grateful for those who continue to teach our children remotely; to feed nearly 200 school children daily in the areas around the Missions Monday-Friday, check on our elderly, watch the digital services, offer their daily prayers for all of us and for  parishioners and national donors who send their financial support during this critical time. The Paschal Mystery which we celebrate with such ardor during Holy Week reminds us that suffering and death are followed by new life and resurrection. Our Church, our country and our world is experiencing that Mystery in a profound way this year but Resurrection Life is surely coming. Our Gracious God will heal our land!

Click here for a digital copy of “Holy Week at Home”.

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