As of this afternoon, March 17, 2020, the Archdiocese of Mobile has directed all Catholic parishes and institutions to implement the following directives: Parishes may continue to provide food, whether from food pantries or kitchens, but only on a takeout basis and not within a building. Other than takeout food, all other parish and school activities, meetings and classes are cancelled. THIS INCLUDES ALL WORSHIP SERVICES. NO MEMBER OF THE LAITY OR CLERGY MAY CONDUCT A WORSHIP SERVICE OR A DEVOTION OF ANY KIND IN A CHURCH, ORATORY, CHAPEL OR OTHER LOCATION. CHURCHES MAY REMAIN OPEN FOR PRAYER BUT WITHOUT SERVICES. PERPETUAL ADORATION CHAPELS ARE TO BE CLOSED.

Priests have permission to celebrate private Masses, which means only the priest and one other minister present. These Masses maybe broadcast over various social media.

FUNERALS: cannot be celebrated in Church buildings or any other locations. Only graveside services are permitted.

WEDDINGS: may be celebrated with only the cleric, the bride and groom, their two witnesses and the parents of the bride and groom present.

ANOINTING OF THE SICK: will continue with appropriate diligence to not contaminate the oils and to wash hands thoroughly between anointings.

BAPTISMS may be celebrated with parents and godparents and cleric only.

CONFESSIONS: may occur only behind the screen or face to face with 6 feet distance between priest an penitent.

These measures are in place until April 5, 2020, and includes Palm Sunday.

Let us pray for each other and all our sisters and brothers throughout the world.

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