Once a month, Resurrection Catholic Church hosts a gathering for seniors in the parish and community. The group is called S.A.L.T. – Senior Adults Living Triumphantly. At these gatherings, the seniors have a brief presentation on a topic of interest, enjoy lunch and play games. The gathering is typically held on the second Wednesday of the month in the Fr. Richard Administrative Center from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and is open to all.

At the March meeting the S.A.L.T. group learned about the services provided by the Montgomery Area Council on Aging at a presentation from Ms. Traci Hendon and Ms. Caroll Penton. They also received a booklet of chair exercises for senior adults. Sr. Gilda Bell, coordinator of the S.A.L.T. program, explained that the booklet was distributed for people to take home and review.

Beginning with the April meeting, ten minutes will be allocated to implement some of those exercises. Sr. Gilda also spoke about the importance of speaking to your doctor prior to beginning a new exercise regimen as well as issues of special concern to diabetics and those with high blood pressure. A wonderful meal and a fun game of Left, Center, Right rounded out the gathering.

The next gathering will be held in the Fr. Richard Administrative Center the first week in April on Wednesday, April 1 due to Holy Week. Although there is no cost for the program, participants are asked to bring three $1.00 bills for the games. All are welcome.

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