As a part of its 75th Anniversary celebration, Resurrection Catholic Missions of the South, Inc. presented its “Two Priests and A Professor” Symposium – a powerful, candid discourse surrounding racism and the Catholic Church.

The discussion – moderated by Judge Vanzetta Penn McPherson and featuring panelists Reverends Bryan Massingale and Maurice Nutt and Dr. Ernest Gibson along with responders Dr. Ansel Augustine, Attorney Milton Carver Davis, and Ms. Adrienne Knight – provided an in-depth look at racism relative to the Catholic Church and its implications for future generations. Prior to the panel discussion, a book signing and reception was held. Copies of Fr. Massingale’s monograph, “Racial Justice and the Catholic Church” and Fr. Nutts’ newly published biography of Sister Thea Bowman “Sister Thea, Faithful and Free” were “hot” items! In addition, Debbie Kemsel provided her customary culinary flair and exquisite menu for guests to enjoy!

Needless to say, “Two Priests and A Professor” truly equaled one great night!

The staff of Resurrection Catholic Missions would like to thank each and every participant and supporter for helping us make this event possible. Without you, we couldn’t have made it happen!

To download a PDF copy of the 1979 U.S. Catholic Bishops Pastoral Letter on Racism referenced during the Symposium, click here. To download a PDF copy of the 2018 pastoral letter against racism referenced during the symposium, click here

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