For years now, it’s been said – and shown – that reading is fundamental, but how often do we really focus on how transformative the power of the written word can be when it comes to our young people or, more specifically, young girls? A new initiative sponsored by the Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary #345 (KPCLA #345) is inspiring girls to read more and imagine the possibilities of their futures.

The KPCLA #345 Project R.E.A.D. (Read Everything And Dream) Campaign began earlier this month. The goal is to donate at least 100 books that focus on girls, or books that are written by women, to Resurrection Catholic School to increase the career aspirations of girls in grades Pre-K4 through 8. Since the start of May, a number of diverse titles have been donated, covering topics such as math, science, and social justice while others feature famous women in history like Dr. Maya Angelou, U.S. Supreme Court Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor, and American Ballet Theater dancer Misty Copeland.

KPCLA encourages all who are interested to consider donating a book in honor or memory of a loved one by purchasing a book or books and emailing a note to Financial donations towards the purchase of books for Project R.E.A.D. are also appreciated and may be placed in the collection basket during Sunday Mass. Books may also be dropped off in the container in the back of Resurrection Catholic Church or at Resurrection Catholic School.

To view the Project R.E.A.D. wish list and purchase books via AmazonSmile, click here.

For more information on the Project R.E.A.D. initiative or KPCLA #345, please call Dr. Rosalind Pijeaux Hale at 504-494-6325.

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