Many Faith Communities in Montgomery, including Resurrection Catholic Church, Freewill Baptist Church, Aldersgate United Methodist Church, the Jewish Federation of Central Alabama and congregations Agudath Israel Etz Ahayem and Temple Beth Or invite the people of Montgomery to join us for a “Hand in Hand” Benefit Concert to support the victims of the Lee Country Tornadoes.

The “Hand in Hand” Benefit Concert will take place on Sunday, March 24 at 5:00 p.m. at Resurrection Catholic Church, at 2815 Forbes Drive in Montgomery. The concert will include performers from many faith traditions including singer/songwriter Joe Buchanan from Houston, Dalia Road, the United Voices of Resurrection, Freewill Baptist Church Choir, and Dennis Cornelison from Aldersgate.

Speakers from Opelika and Montgomery include first responders, “The Story of Maggie”, Montgomery Mayor Todd Strange of Montgomery, Father Manuel Williams, Pastor Ed Nettles, Pastor Brian Miller, Rev. Sean Rezek, and Rabbi Scott Kramer.

Please make checks payable to the East Alabama Medical Center Foundation, who is dedicating all donations to tornado relief.

For more information, contact Rabbi Scott Kramer at 334-281-7394 or

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