In 2018, we marked 75 years in a lifetime of caring, but we did a number of other things too. We welcomed new staff members, brought the story of Father Augustus Tolton to the River Region, added more students from more colleges and universities to our annual RCVP roster, welcomed the broader community to our campus through various successful events, received donations from the Knights of Peter Claver and the Knights of Columbus, co-hosted the Archdiocesan National Black Catholic History Month Celebration, upgraded our Mission signage and branding around campus, and even worked with STEM professionals at NASA to identify our emerging program, Resurrection STEM Explorers.

While the staff of Resurrection Catholic Missions undoubtedly put in long hours and worked tirelessly to make these things happen, the care, support, and backing of people like you helped us do more to touch and sustain the lives of so many others.

Thanks to your prayers and gifts, we…

  • Installed a new floor in the Resurrection Catholic School Gymnasium
  • Repaired the roof of Resurrection Catholic School
  • Increased the number of seniors aided and supported by our Interfaith Community Outreach program
  • Stocked our Resurrection Catholic Missions Food Pantry through the end of the year
  • Gave six children the opportunity to receive full paid tuition at Resurrection Catholic School
  • Grew our social media numbers by more than 150 engaged followers across two platforms
  • Raised more than $317,000 to support the programs of Resurrection Catholic Missions

In 2019, as we focus on increased growth and related efforts that encompass outreach, community partnerships, direct aid, and even e-commerce, we hope you’ll be with us every step of the way this calendar year and for many more to come. Here’s to a bright and blessed 2019, and thank you for all you do for Resurrection!