On Tuesday, August 21, 2018, Mission Director and Pastor, Father Manuel Williams, C.R. delivered an inspired ecumenical prayer to more than 150 educators, administrators, stakeholders, and supporters of Montgomery Public Schools at Leadership Montgomery’s 2018 Leadership Summit on Education.

Following a stimulating panel discussion featuring MPS Superintendent Dr. Ann Roy Moore and Montgomery Mayor Todd Strange, Father Manuel offered the following prayer:

Gracious Creator, You have revealed Yourself in the sacred texts of the Hebrew, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu and other religious traditions. In all of them, You are reverenced as the great teacher. In all of them study, learning and the teaching of their truths is primary. And so, God of wisdom, give us insight to improve the teaching and formation of our young people. In our diversity of opinions and experiences give us common goals and respectful communication.  Help us all to remember the best values those sacred texts have taught. Give us the personal and political will to improve and maintain all that helps us to teach the children well.

Bless then, dear God, our food, fellowship, sharing and learning in these coming hours. Nourished then by physical sustenance and the comity of our conversations, may we continue today and after this gathering with renewed zeal to work together, to listen together for the benefit of our students. Because of Your goodness and Your grace, coupled with our desire to do better as community, we bless and praise You for the success which is within our grasp. With grateful and expectant hearts we pray. Let all believers and all people of good will, say, amen.

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