This week, the story of Fr. Augustus Tolton’s journey to priesthood was brought to life as “Tolton: From Slave to Priest” made its way to Alabama State University’s J. Garrick Hardy Student Center.

Hosted by Resurrection Catholic Missions of the South, Inc. and performed by Jim Coleman, Tolton artfully guided patrons through the trials, tribulations, and untimely end of the life of the country’s first recognized Black Catholic priest. The traveling production marked it’s 50th overall performance and Coleman’s 29th performance in the title role during the show’s stop in Montgomery.

Shows on Wednesday and Thursday gathered patrons of all denominations, races, and social interests from as far as Valdosta, Georgia. One of the most well attended showings hosted by Resurrection, the Thursday morning showing was well received by students of our own Resurrection Catholic School and students from St. Joseph Catholic School in Tuskegee, Alabama. Though a question and answer portion followed each performance, it was at the morning showing that the tentative canonization of Fr. Tolton was discussed – offering insight regarding the pushing (and praying) for Tolton’s sainthood.

Currently, the cause for Fr. Tolton’s sainthood has been approved to eventually make its way  to the desk of the Holy Father. The cause was initially announced to the media back in 2010.

Resurrection would like to give special thanks to Jim Coleman, Sean Hanus, The Catholic Week, Alabama State University, the brothers of Beta Upsilon chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., and each of the Resurrection Catholic Church parishioners, patrons, supporters, and volunteers from far and wide who helped to make bringing the story and spirit of Fr. Tolton to the Capital of Dreams a success.

Scroll down to see a few of the photos from the performances!


For information on future Tolton showings and the works of Saint Luke Productions, click here. For more information on the canonization of Fr. Tolton, click here.

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