Spring is here, and so is another round of Living Well Alabama chronic illness management classes! Resurrection Catholic Church, in conjunction with The Wellness Coalition, is hosting another series of sessions focused on healthy life choices and management of chronic pre-exisiting conditions.

Living Well Alabama classes are designed to offer participants insight into daily habits and choices that affect their current condition(s) as well as lead to potential others. The intimate group setting of the class sessions also offers participants the support and accountability they need to better understand and cope with ailments and diseases.

This spring, Living Well Alabama classes are presented Mondays from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. by Sr. Gilda Bell and Mrs. Wanda Twitty at Resurrection’s Father Richard Administrative Building located at 2815 Forbes Drive in Montgomery. Class dates this spring are: April 9, April 16, April 23, April 30, May 7, and May 14.

Courses are open to all who care to learn more about chronic disease management. Refreshments are served following each class.

For more information on Living Well Alabama or chronic illness classes at Resurrection, contact Michelle Coe at 334-230-1964 or Kaitlin Jackson at 334-263-4221.

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