On Wednesday, the staff of Resurrection Catholic Missions of the South had the great pleasure of welcoming a group of 21 educators affiliated with Bank Street College in Manhattan, New York.

The members of the group – who range in age from 25 to 91 – traveled to Montgomery in hopes of having an open dialogue with local residents about issues with Montgomery’s public school system.

During their time at Resurrection, the group of practicing and retired professors, school administrators, teachers, and coaches discussed local and national educational concerns based around class size, students with special needs, lack of funding and resources, and educational trends.

The visit culminated with a tour of Resurrection Catholic School, which allowed the group to see the school garden, library, and educational spaces firsthand.

The group of Bank Street educators will spend the next several days in nearby Selma, learning more about the city’s rich history and visiting a few of Dallas County’s educational facilities.

For more on Bank Street College, click here

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