Resurrection Catholic Missions of the South, Inc.’s campus of nearly 12 acres was originally agricultural land used for the growing of cotton and other crops. In 1964 and 1965 when the new campus was constructed, the landscaping was functional and very basic. Over the last three decades, maintenance staff and dedicated parishioners who are master gardeners most notably, retired educators Thelma Williams (Father Manuel’s mother) and Maggie Stringer  have helped to transform the campus into a feast for the eyes.

The Mission campus features over 30 varieties of roses and nearly a dozen flowers and trees mentioned in the Bible, from fig trees to Roses of Sharon and stately southern pines and dogwoods. Every spring and fall, residents and visitors delight in walking through the campus enjoying the colors, textures, and aromas that delight the senses.

Please enjoy some of the images from this spring 2018.

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