Following years in digital news and media, journalist Brandon R. Vaughn has been named Director of Communications & Engagement for Resurrection Catholic Missions of the South, Inc. effective immediately.

“As  we begin our 75th year of service and beyond, Brandon will bring incredible writing and communication skills to RCM’s work in advocacy, education, social service, and evangelization,” Mission Director and Pastor Manuel Williams said. “We are thrilled this multi-talented young man has chosen to become a part of our team.”

Vaughn will oversee the organization’s digital and print content as well as manage the organization’s website and social media presence across multiple platforms. Vaughn will also assist with the organization’s development efforts with an emphasis on local and national engagement to build partnerships and working relationships with other organizations in the sector.

Vaughn joins the organization following nearly three years with the Alabama-based Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc., which operates 68 daily newspapers with a combined circulation of about 550,000. Vaughn was responsible for over 20 of the company’s papers located in the southern United States and served as editor of StyleSimple magazine, a now discontinued CNHI features publication sold at Dollar Tree stores nationwide.

“It’s truly an honor to join the Resurrection family as the organization celebrates 75 years of dedicated service to Montgomery and the River Region,” Vaughn said. “I’m incredibly excited and eager to see how my work influences the next 75 years of the Mission’s rich history.”

A dedicated media professional with nearly 10 years of experience, Vaughn holds a bachelor’s degree in English from Florida State University and a master’s degree in journalism from Florida A&M University. Vaughn is also a member of the inaugural class of the Poynter-NABJ Leadership Academy for Diversity in Digital Media.

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