Throughout the year, but in a concerted way during the month of February, Resurrection Catholic Missions of the South, Inc. observes and celebrates the history and contributions of African Americans to our country and to the Roman Catholic Church. Each year, one Sunday in February, we host a pot luck luncheon following Mass where parishioners are invited to bring and share traditional foods.

A key component of that luncheon is some original presentation of poetry, dance, or song – usually produced or composed by our young adults, collegians, and youth group. This year, the celebration was held on Sunday, February 11, 2018. Reciting works from Maya Angelou and August Wilson, among others, our young people were assisted by some older adult thespians captivated and delighted the parish community. Of course, the Southern entrees were delectable as well!

Please enjoy a dramatic reading of a vignette from August Wilson’s play “Fences” featuring Michael McDonald, Sean Golson, and Cameron Prince.

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