Our God is a gracious God! In times of need, it’s always great to know that someone cares enough to ensure that our most basic needs as human beings are met.

One of the seniors served by RCM’s Interfaith Community Outreach, Mrs. G, just relocated this week to a new apartment and was left no choice but to leave her bed behind. Coincidentally, within hours, a donor contacted RCM offering a brand new bed for pickup without knowing that Mrs. G was without one.

Today, the bed was delivered to Mrs. G’s new apartment and is sure to offer her many days of comfort and rest in the near future. It is serendipitous happenings like this that show us there are still plenty of good people among us and that our God is truly an awesome and gracious one.

For more information on Resurrection’s Interfaith Community Outreach, or on how you can donate to this initiative, click here. To contact the program’s director, Mrs. Salena Moore, click here.



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